Tuesday, November 20, 2007


About a week ago Chris and I headed out to Mark Twain National Forest to ride Berryman. Seeing as this would be the first time I ever threw myself and my bike down this trail I was pretty stoked. However despite the sunny morning we were greeted with our ride became rather overcast. The clouds lead to rain but no worries a little water never hurt anyone. Then I sliced a side wall. Oh well a new tube and we'll be rolling again. That morning while grabbing gear i mistook a 26inch tube for a 29inch. Good thing rubber stretches (Insert birth control/condom joke here). So now I am back to the came of "Was that Chris's jersey?" as the rain begins to come down a little harder. As the trail does it best impression of Hollyfield vs. Tyson fight on my bike I realize exactly how much fitness that I have lost with my new diet of whatever i want washed down with Monster. It was about this time that I noticed a wobble on my non drive side crank arm. I thought it was the pedal stripping its self of the constrains but then the entire crank arm came of with one massive push from my Kankle of death. Talk about bad luck I had lost the tension bolt somewhere behind me and and had to "tighten the hell out of it" as Chris gently put it. Back to riding and I got the run down of what was left in our ride "Then one more bad ass hill...its all down hill from there except where is goes up hill." Some how i did find comfort in those words and before I knew it we were back at the car.

Back at the shop I stripped the Pheonix down and took inventory of what was needed: 20tooth freewheel and a new FSA tension bolt. Not bad lets just hope my luck gets a little better I'm getting tired of mechanicals!

PS- Rumor has it that I am buying a cyclocross bike something like this

1 comment:

  1. you can almost read what flavor gu that is through the hole!
