Monday, March 31, 2008

Fork Wrecker

The first time I ever ventured down to Council Bluffs to ride the epic 13 mile loop I met God out on the trail. At once point blasting around a corner, the sun filtering through lush green foliage, not another person in the world around, and all the concerns in the world far behind me everything seemed to make sense life just seemed right and I was certain heaven was around the next corner. Sunday I was back on the same trail this time I met the devil. I stared Lucifer in the face. He was in the form of saturated mud and driving rain. and he was intent on ripping my soul out of my legs and leaving me to die trail side. Lucifer came close but he underestimated the power of Snickers and I managed to ride up stream, over slick wheel throwing boulders, and through the icy bullets of rain. I completed 2 laps in about 2:50 min and posted up till the 3 hour cut off for the marathon class expired. Why didn't i try for the third lap that might have bumped me up onto the podium? Because the fork that Sram Corp. rebuilt and sent back to had blow out again. Oh and my brakes sized up. Such is racing.

Wes kicked some serial ass on his SS taking second to a fast dude by the name of Breslin
Jumping my toasted bike and muddy self in to the frigid lake from the small boat dock.


  1. I'm glad I missed it! HR was tiring the day before and I had to ride a TT for training. Great effort. Sucks on your fork, though.

  2. Think about getting that singlespeed out again...
    How many non-crash related issues did you have at Landahl through 5 laps?

  3. this is true maybe i could get some of those Moto-X hand guards so help with the cornering around trees lol
