Saturday, October 25, 2008

Welcom to the Future!

As many of you know (and by many I mean 3 out of the 5 people who read my blog) at TC Man we grill for lunch almost everyday. As things have progressed and the common man has develorped grater control of fire we have branched out from pig lips and assholes. One of our greatest achievements was the chicken sausage braukito. The recommended way to prepare this delightful treat is to purchase Jalapeno chicken sausages from trader Joes wrapped in a whole grain tortilla with pepper jack cheese and Maull's Jalapeno BBQ sauce. Once this little bit O' heaven has parachuted into the cavern below your lungs and heart you can thank the lack of customer flow at our store for giving you this Nobel peace prize quality treat.
Another wonderful thing that the good old fire pit as sparked is us seeing how many times we can grill in one day (I believe the record is 3 in a 10hour day). Because of this we normally grill breakfast on Saturday mornings which normally brings the rather large (I am being nice) hair stylists out the back door to our stoop to drool and comment on how we eat so much yet are so thin (It call riding a bike aka exercise). Today we set out to let God guide us on our fiery journey through edible bliss it ended next to the Pillsbury section of the freezer of schnucks. BATTER BLASTER. It is an organic pancake mix in a nitrous oxide pressure can much like ready whip. Not only can you huff it but is make the pancakes that French royalty ate before they had their daily white flag raising. I am sitting here wishing it was breakfast all over again so I can enjoy the pure ecstasy of cramming handfuls of syrup covers chocolate chip pancakes into my mouth (Can you tell I was a fat kid). I urge you all to purchase this product and will be looking into getting them as a sponsor for the 2009 season.


  1. You can huff pancake batter now? I suppose now we just need to come up with a pressurized Jenkem can. I'm actually working on that with what I currently have brewing in my ass.

  2. check out this photo:

  3. There's no way I'm checking that photo out Coach.
    I miss smelling like grilled meats everyday and the feeling of my bloodflow actually stopping because of meat poisoning. Have you guys wrapped that fluffy pancorke around some cherizo and covered it in honey yet? That's what I would do.

  4. oh, it's ok - it's actually just a sign outside of some business with text only. I swear.

    In other news, I have yet to poop today. That is all.
