Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dirt Crits!!!!1

My first mountain bike race was one of the short track races. I showed with a full suspension, cargo shorts, a free ride jersey, and stood out against all of the lycra clad riders on hardtails like a fat kid during dodgeball. I was stoked this year when I heard the short track series was coming back. A huge thanks to Pfoodman for putting this on! Thursday night was a uber rad.

Instead of handing of $25 to pay for a one day licence and entry to the "C" race I forked over $50 to cover me for all 6 "A" races. I lined up in the field with 19 other BAMFs wearing lycra straddling my hardtail (a lot has changed). I was positioned behind Chris hoping I might get a lead out. This was a mistake because he was gassy and the smog before the race didn't help me much. The siren went off and it was time to grip it and rip it. My pseudo hopes of holding on near the front were shattered pretty much when I clipped in but I sprinted none the less as the pack started to spread like jelly on wheat bread.

I yo-yoed with a group of four riders one being a super sport rider Drew Black, another being fellow DRJ teammate Tom Albert, another Mesa rider (they are always a threat), and Mr. Velo Force Pace Setter. I watched as the pace began to take its toll on the guy from Mesa and Velo Force and started digging to get up with Tom who was losing Drew slowly. The road bike must be having an effect because I caught up to him and we started working together for the middle part of the race. I got in front and started pulling as much as I could as we came through the start finish " 24 min and some change" we where told. "3 laps left" I heard Tom say over the pounding of my heart. I asked the legs for more hoping we could pull Drew back in. They answered with a "HELLZ YEAH" the start/finish line came around pretty quickly "29 min and change" the time keeper said "Now three more laps" Tom said with a sheepish tone. I did not have the legs left to hold my pace and Tom went around me. I still had to worry about the Velo
force rider so I kept the self motivation up. I managed to pass Scott on a surly cross bike and he said something about no legs. I came through the start/finish with Tom and Drew still in sight but slid out in the grass and pretty much rode to hold my place from there on out. I have not had that good of a time on a bike since lost valley when I felt like superman flyin' through the sport class. But this post has gotten Dave Breslin (who was mysteriously absent on Thursday) long so I am going to pe@ce out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Since I normally have to be at tarbucks at 445am and I get off at the bike shop at 8pm riding from home means I have to leave my house no later then 345am and I wont be returning till after 9pm. The solution to this problem: A semi-commute. I pack everything I need in the back of my MOPAR rocket and drive to sbux. After my shift I don my gear like the portly cycle dork I am and head off to job two at TC. Once my time there is completed I again mount up, ride back to sbux to pick up my hooptie and grab a soy chi for some protein replacement on the drive home. The route to varies depending on how much time I have between jobs. So far this is the longest route I have done.

Two days and just over 70miles kind of weak sauce but I'm getting it back.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I gave blood today. And that is not one of those clever tourist trash saying found on a t-shirts you buy after wrecking on porcupine rim. There was a blood drive at one of the local area starbucks. I was scheduled to do a bike safety demo for the kids but none showed up so I let the good folks from the American Red Cross have some AB positive and took the day off from the bike. I was planning on a nice ride but after losing a pint you are not supposed to do anything physical for 5 hours. My blood type is only found in 3% of white Americans and can only be used for other people with AB blood types. If you want to donate click here.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Bikes are fun

So no real new news I rode Chub the on Monday. I had to hammer it because i was meeting some friends for sushi (which is eff'n expensive). Averaged 8miles an hour and only did 7.55 mile due to flooding and time.
I have decided that instead of trying to do a full commute I will drive to starbucks then ride to TC and then back to my car when i get off. I tried this out on Tuesday. Taking a little longer route into the shop 141 to via des pares to clayton to henry. Then the more direct back hanna to vance to 141. Not sure of times because I haven't ponied up the cash for a computer but its all good i just need to log miles. With that I will put an end to my rambling, pe@ce love and phil wood grease!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

back on the road

I finally ordered all of the parts in order to build up my road bike. Friday night I finished dialing it in and putting on the pedals. Saturday was a perfect day to day it out for a nice ride to start my legs back. Chris and i set off from his house and did a 52 mile loop through west county in just under 3 hours. Pretty laid back with some descent hills orville being the crown jewel. It felt good even though the legs lost power pretty quickly and Chris had to slow his roll on many occasions. I'm going to go ride tomorrow, Pe@ce

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


That is the sound made when you open a soda. Now if you do not drink said refreshing beverage once opened it will go flat. And unless it is root beer it will not be refreshing or enjoyable. I am a soda that has been opened and not enjoyed. Sunday sucked for me. 2:15 for 15+ miles with a 6.9mph average. I am seriously having hard time this season.